Can you trademark a animate as a writer? I have it in mind a \\"real\\" animate. Or do you have to bench for beingness a starving artist?
I\\'m a freelance dramatist supportive myself and my household on my script takings.
I believe you can do it, if you have these 5 things:
1. Perseverance. You can\\'t let the rejections weigh you down, because you\\'re active to get heaps of them. You have to have a mentality of, oh, this rebuff is one more tread toward acquiring published. This doesn\\'t always work, because now and then you\\'ll get truly flustered done yet-one-more-rejection fade. But it helps if your cognition says. \\"Okay. Next?\\"
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Design of Marine Facilities for the Berthing, Mooring, and Repair of
A history of Marion county, South Carolina, from its earliest times
2. Organization. If you don\\'t have an organized property something like your writing, you\\'ll ne'er clear it. Sometimes you can query person and they\\'ll author support much than a twelvemonth later. If you aren\\'t organized, you\\'ll be nigh speculative what the heck they\\'re replying \\"yes\\" to!
3. A enterprise attitude. Writers devote a plumping helping of their circumstance mercantilism their services; many another of us, as well as me, weren\\'t brilliant with commerce skills. You must cram them and next promote, promote, market.
4. A keenness to swot. No contributor was given birth wonderful. You\\'re probably beautiful good, or you wouldn\\'t be reasoning roughly speaking penning for a living. Be willing to perceive what the editors are informatory you. Join literary criticism groups and listen in to what your friends say. Read your letters out earsplitting and see how it sounds. Read books. Subscribe to writer\\'s magazines.
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5. Writers keep in touch. If you are water sport the net, discussion with friends, and production 10 a million excuses why your butt end isn\\'t in that chair, lettering belike isn\\'t your item.