
There is a huge 'Catch 22' situation that has developed in Internet Marketing which has been brought about by the ad copy-writers.

It is an odd situation where ad-copy writers have to be paid increasing rates for ever more hype and sales psychology for their ads to be more effective -- which leads to higher rates for ever more hype and sales psychology...etc.

Unfortunately (human nature and all that) we humans are more tempted to buy what we want NOT what we need. We buy what we need WITHOUT sales copy being necessary. But when it comes to buying what we want most of the time we don't actually know what we want until we see it!

And this is where the sales ad-copy writers come in...they KNOW what we want
or, at least, they know how to persuade us into thinking it's what we want! Of course to persuade us to want something they HAVE to excite us into wanting it.

Unfortunately this cannot be done anymore by simply stating facts about the product or service (although I personally dearly wish it could!) adjectives have to be used to describe the 'product's' benefits or power. Again unfortunately something described as 'Very Good' would not excite many people now -- so exaggerations have to be used

'...this is Awesome'
'Mind-blowing power'
'...this will Astound you'...and so on.

But then eventually something described as 'Awesome' or 'Mind-blowing' because these (and similar) adjectives have been used so often becomes less exciting and therefore (meaningless) phrases are introduced...
'Use this product to explode your income'
'...this product will blow your socks off' etc

But then these phrases become less effective in exciting us as more and more ads use them and similar ones, and then the copy-writers start thinking up silly and puerile metaphors to get our attention...
'...this product will suck in subscribers like an anteater on steroids'
'...this product will create sales like a never-ending tsunami of rabid buyers' (goodness!)
And all this (Hype) eventually has less and less effect as we potential consumers gradually become desensitized to the (obviously) outrageous claims.

So, what next$%:

Sales psychology!
'I am better than you (sucker) because I use this and you don't.'

'You will not succeed until you have this'

'This product will change your life...!'

or even Deceit ...

'Buy now or will loose out...'

'The price will increase...'

'You will never see this at this price again...'

Am I the only person on this planet who does NOT want a 'never-ending tsunami of rabid buyers'$%: (a few genuine prospects would be good) -- or have only 10 minutes to decide whether I want to make a purchase or not$%:

I want to know the straight forward facts about a product and I want time and space to decide whether I want it or not without the (usually unfounded) threat of losing out hanging over me.

The problem is hype and sales psychology obviously works! Otherwise it would not be used so much. But surely it has to becoming to a limit - what else can be done to force a sale$%: - threats against your life or family$%:

So the 'Catch 22' situation is you cannot attract attention to your product and get sales with simple facts and figures anymore -- but too many people are being turned off by outrageous and puerile hype.

I suggest a different approach called 'GentleFire' Marketing.

Gentle - calm, moderate, temperate...(Truthful -- no screaming hype)

Fire - passion, enthuse, inspire, excitement...(Hot -- attention grabbing)

So use facts and truth combined with your knowledge, passion and enthusiasm (not exaggeration) for a new and effective method of ad-writing and Marketing.

    創作者 tmaurice0mw 的頭像


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